Not only that, but I then sent it away! It was pretty scary, actually. (The sending away, not the plying.) See, it's one thing to work on something for yourself or someone you are close to. It's another thing entirely to send it off to another KNITTER. That you don't know in person. And that's what I did. See, Stacy over at Sheep In The City put out a call for fellow bloggers to send her a skein of yarn so that she could put together an Afgan Of Friends or some such thing. It's a pretty cool idea. So I decided to send this, my first 2-ply, to her. Because I figured, even if it sucked, what person would appreciate some handspun like a fellow knitter?
I've dyed it orange in pink, similar to the colors of her blog. I hope it's knitable, and I hope she likes it. (These colors also bring together March and April Project Spectrum)
A note about the yarn, which you can kind of see in this closer shot. I was spinning along, and spinning a finer yarn than I had ever spun (seeing, of course, as this is only the second skein that I've spun), and thought that I was keeping it pretty even. When I went to ply it I noticed something interesting. The first spool was very loosely spun, and more like a light, puffy worsted. The second spool was a tightly spun laceweight. The end effect was something of a boucle, I think. Well actually, I'm not really sure what, but it's slightly "curly" with the one spun around the other. Interesting. Hmm.

Reguardless, I'm proud of this, my little skein. It's about 70 grams of Brown Sheep 100% wool roving.
This is the card that I sent along with the yarn, inspired by this project on Craftsanity. For anyone who reads Sheep In The City, you'll notice some of Stacy's favorite things on this card.

If you're not Sharon, click on the card to see my Project Spectrum Postcard Swap card. (BTW, this was sent out at the beginning of the week -- not sure how long it takes to get to Australia, but hope you get it soon!)
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