Heather said that she would tuck in a few extras for the boys, but I was so amazed at her generosity when we opened the box.

There are also two little self-propelling monster trucks, plastic turtles, and glow-in-the-dark frogs that were immediately commandeered before I was able to snap this shot. You'll notice a hand sewn sachet of lavender, M&M's, markers, and then a handmade bib and stenciled baby onesie.
The boys were literally beside themselves with excitement that one of my "yarn boxes" had stuff in it for them.
But the thing that got me the most was the handmade things for the little unborn person. She actually took the time to make these for me! Let's take another look at those baby things:

The baby bib pattern can be found for free online here (Heather puts a snap in it, which I feel is genious -- no baby that I've met likes ties, as cute as they look), and if you want to stencil your own shirts, you can follow the waxed-paper tutorial here.
I can't help but feel that I got the better side of the deal here. The generosity of people in our fiber community will never cease to amaze me.
Heather, I cannot thank you enough. Go check our her shop -- she's got some totally cute stuff there, and is a great seamstress. (The only way that I knew she'd created the bib is because she told me -- her work is that good.)
Also yesterday, I received my order from Paradise Fibers:

On the left is "Golden Fleece", a 50/50% Merino and Organic Brown Cotton by New World Textiles (they don't exist anymore, and Paradise only has a few pounds left if any, so if you want some, click on over there fast!). The grey is Ashland Bay Merino in Pewter. Both are destined for baby things, so check back soon to see what I'll be doing with them!
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