Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spring flowers, garden, and another milestone day

Today, Mr. Cuddle's (Billy) turned 4 months old.

(Photo by Sparky)

Hard to believe he could be that old, I know.

I'm making it an effort to cherish every moment with this guy; every cuddle, every kiss. I know from my other little ones that time, especially with children, flies, and I need to make these moments count. Every stage is precious.

Completely unrelated, but remember these buds?

Well now they look like this:

Spring. There's nothing like it.

Even the rain smells good at this time of year. To me it smells of freshly turned earth, of green shoots, of damp flowers. For the past two days it's been raining, and, while I can't easily go out walking with the children in it, I've enjoyed looking out my windows at the raindrops, and breathing deeply when I step out on my porch for a moment.

Speaking of my porch, here's my garden, which I've now moved outside.

I didn't harden them off properly, since...well, I sort of forgot them outside that first day of "hardening", and then just ended up never bringing them back in. This is why I've always had a "black thumb" with plants. But anyway, these seem to be pretty hardy seedlings, and are still alive.

It'll be interesting to see if they survive. I hope so! If not, I'm sure I can replace most of them with similar varieties from the nearby plant nursery, but there's something satisfying about starting them from seed myself. Kind of like washing a fleece and taking a project from there. We'll see what happens.

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