Ah, fresh, lovely air, how I've missed you.
Saturday was beautiful and in the 60's, so it was declared Playground Day. When we got in the car to go, Billy was on the edge of a nap, fussing and angry, but by the end of the short drive, he'd blessedly fallen asleep. As I parked, Max jumped out of his seat, and before I knew what was going on, I heard "HI LITTLE GUY, HI LITTLE GUY, HI LITTLE GUY!".
"Max, is Billy awake?"
"Well, he was asleep, and was closing his eyes, but...now his eyes are open..." (Said with great amazement, as if no one could have been as surprised as he was.)
Hard, long look at Max....deep, cleansing breaths (I knew that prenatal Yoga would be good for something)...
Right then. I gathered the playground necessities, and, one arm feeling like it would snap off with Billy-in-carseat and the other holding hands with unwilling-to-walk-a-straight-line-Daisy, walked the very short (but seemingly endless) half-block to the playground. (Sparky and Max bounded ahead up an embankment, taking a "short-cut", and this did not fly with Daisy.)
This is what Billy looked like by the time we got to "my" bench under the tree.

Distinctly displeased.
I draped him with a blanket, and wiggled his carseat with my foot until he fell back to sleep.
Learning from recent playground trips, I brought reading material along with my knitting, which proved to be handy when I did need to finally nurse Billy, but I actually did get in about an inch of sock.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do when this pair is finished. I've been working on them since teh end of playground season last year, and it's going to feel really weird to have to cast on for another pair once I'm finally done. (No need to panic yet though, friends, we're still only on the first sock. In case you're prone to panic. I'm just looking out for you.)

Tomorrow I've got some weaving photos to show you, but for those of you who live in parts of the world that are still playing at winter, here's a flower for you.

Daisy said you could have it.

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