Sunday, May 23, 2010

Just can't stop the stitching...

Birdhill has been stitched, washed and pressed.


Now that I've completed this one, I'm even more crazy about Aimee Ray/little dear designs than before.  I've purchased three more: Happy Garden, Hill Man, and Thinking.  I'll either be using this series to stretch over canvases and put up on the wall, or as panels in...a quilt.  Yes, my friends, you knew that quilting couldn't be too far behind with all of this sewing and embroidery, didn't you?

We've been needing another blanket for the living room for a while now -- I knit the Hemlock Ring/Storytime Blanket a while ago, and that is pressed into use often, but I would really like to have a lightweight, large quilt to keep folded over the back of the couch for chilly winter evenings (because, you know, it's just SOOO cold here in Texas.  DON'T TRY TO DISSUADE ME!)  So anyway, those are my thoughts.  We'll see what happens.  For now, I'm just happily stitching.

Currently in my 6x6 Q-Snap Frame:


This is the design from the Songbird Wristlet in Aimee's book Doodle Stitching.  It will be applequed onto another pillow for the couch.  It's stitched on a square of fabric cut from the same thrifted tablecloth I used for my other redwork pillow.

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