It's an LG 4400, and most of the numbers in there aren't backed up anywhere. I know, bad idea, but it's true. He's getting a new phone now because that one was insured, but we're definitely getting my phone and his new one backed up now. Anyway, the main thing is that we need it back. If you live in Watertown, please post a message here to let me know if you've seen it. If you live anywhere else, please, please: back up your phone.
A girl stopped by our house right after the movers left at noon and asked to use our phone. She was pretty shaken up and said that her brother had just punched her in the mouth. We let her use our house phone. She sat on the couch while making the call, next to my husband's cell phone.
About a half-hour after she left, we looked for the phone and it was gone. Since there's pretty much nothing left in our house, it didn't take long to look through our suitcases and realize that it was definitely gone.
We called Verizon to see what the time was of the last call from that phone was and it was 3:11pm, definitely after we found the phone missing. So we have verified that it was stolen and has been used, and the only person in the house since the movers was this girl (the phone was still on the couch after the movers left). Following is a description of the girl -- things we observed and things she told us about herself (so some of that -- like her name -- could be suspect)
Here's a description of the girl who (we assume) took it:
- Age:20
- Height: 5'4"
- Hair color: Medium to dark brown very straight, pulled back in low ponytail hanging to mid back
- Light denim skirt ending a few inches from knees
- Dark blue/navy short sleeved shirt
- Flat shoes (possibly dirty, light blue flip-flops)
- Swollen lip and cut chin (from being beat up)
- Uneaven pasty white skin
- Large scabs on knees and legs
- Brown (or hazel) eyes
- Receding chin
Things she said about herself:
- Name: Nichole
- Place of residence: Palmer St, Watertown, NY
- Goes to school at JCC community college
- Brother is a large guy 18 years old and a senior in highschool (probably Watertown High)
If you see this girl or find a phone in a parking lot or something, please let us know. Thanks!!
If you have your bill from Verizon it shows phone numbers that you've called. At least you could get those (if you remember who's numbers they are).
I know it's a bad thing to lose a phone. One of mine came up missing at a soccer game years ago. I called VZServe immediately and they told me that it would become disabled immediately and would lock up. Whoever had it couldn't use it and it would never be of use to anyone.
I have 3 VZ phones.
Hope the rest of your move goes well.
Susan (knitlist)
Hi. hope you find your phone. I am also an army wife, but stationed in Hawaii right now. I just wanted to tell you about this cool message board for you and your knitter friends to get together and share patterns, knitting secrets and make friendships. See you there.
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