Enough with all that mush.
Our friends took our children for the night for a giant sleepover party, so we went into Austin and hung out on South Congress; window-shopped, appetizers at Pearla, dinner at Hop Doddy burger bar (best. burgers. ever.). Overall a pretty perfect evening....and with my very favorite person. SCORE!!

Happy Anniversary! There is nothing on earth as wonderful as being married to your best friend...I'll be celebrating 33 years in October :-)
Also, meant to say how GREAT you look!!!
Happy anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! and BTW, you look FANTASTIC!
Happy anniversary! Youse guys are cute as ever. It's funny that you say you had no idea what you wanted when you got married, because I thought you had it all figured out and wondered why I couldn't figure my crap out. Ah, live and learn.
Haha, thank you! Well I certainly THOUGHT I had things all figured out, but looking back, I really had no idea! In many ways I feel like I "fell" into the very best position possible. Pretty scary had I been watching myself!! But soooo very happy with how it's all turning out. :-)
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