Monday, September 18, 2006

Finger Lakes Fiber Festival

This weekend I went to the Finger Lakes Fiber Festival (this is Sarah(not Faith) the mysterious blogger who jumps in now and again especially when the Flashbang family is super busy like now!).

I dragged along my parents and my husband for what I hoped to be an interesting event for us all! Let me tell you first that I've never been to a fiber festival. I have heard about them, and waited for a whole year to go to this one (I must missed it last year). This being the first and only fiber festival I've went to- I though it was great!

This is my husband and his alpaca friend, just minutes before the alpaca was nuzzling his face!

This is some lace knitting? I'm not sure, it just looked really hard.

This is a sock knitting machine. The picture with the girl in it is a silk wheel thing. She is taking those little cooked silkworms and winding the tiny threads onto that wheel. Wow.

Sheep on a wheel. Sheep in on the run. (These sheep were being herded by an enthusiastic herd dog)

This is Mr. Lama, who I didn't get very close to. This is just one booth out of many, there was tons of stuff, I mean tons of stuff!

The man on top is weaving on a loom- the man on bottom is knitting on a machine

Some cute little guys hanging out. This lady is spinning flax.

The fiber is mine, merino and colorful. I can't wait till I can spin well enough to spin it nicely!

Finally, I was so excited when I got home that I had to do something. So I needle felted this leaf and I made my Dad make me a drop spindle and I spun up some yarn!

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