Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Happy birthday Andrew

Dear Andrew,

Today you're 10 years old.

Andrew: 10 years old

This seems absolutely surreal, and you must be sick of hearing me say this every single year, but.....10 years old?  Seriously?  How in the world could you be that old already!!!  (...and nearly as tall as me -- GOOD LORD!!)

Andrew: 10 years old

When you were born, I was 23 years old.  It didn't seem all that young at the time -- felt like exactly the perfect time to have my first baby.  But now, at this moment, with you turning 10, I'm thinking DEAR GOODNESS.  Next time I blink, you'll be a teenager.  And such is life.

Andrew: 10 years old

You, my friend, are so incredibly caring and generous -- I could not have possibly asked for a more amazing "oldest"; the way you take care of everyone, the way you navigate conflict, the way you choose to be responsible and thoughtful.

Andrew: 10 years old

You are growing up to be the sort of guy that everyone wants to know; the kind of friend everyone wishes they had.  You are quirky, and nerdy, and funny as heck, and we like you so much!

I love you forever,


Lisa said...

Happy Birthday Andrew!

Just a heads up... my son recently turned 10 and he literally transformed into a pre-teen over night. Grew 3 inches within a month, chest filled out, legs filled out, face got older. It was crazy!!!!

And just had to say... looking at your back to school pic's... I love your family! You are so cute!

Faith D. said...

Haha, thanks Lisa! He's growing pretty quickly -- it's completely ridiculous!!


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