Friday, June 15, 2012

Goodbye Greg...and free-form plushies

Saying goodbye is always difficult, but driving Greg to the airport on Sunday after spending a beautiful 18 days together was simply heartbreaking.  I felt like a piece of me had been ripped out and put on that flight...hugging him that one last time felt like one of the most difficult things I've ever done.  I'll see him again in 6 weeks, but for now, I'm trying to focus on all of the amazing memories we made during his visit...dates we went on...times together as a family...times with friends.

Frozen custard date

a frozen custard date with Greg

The last Sunday he was here, he ran sound for our church's band (my fav sound guy ever), and singing this song to him nearly tore my heart in two.  The song was written about a troubled relationship, but there are lines in it that apply... "And this ache is going to break me love...until you come back home....there is no home without you...and these eyes are never going to dry, I never knew how I could cry...."  On the upside, I made it through the song without falling apart.  Mostly.

(Long instrumental -- vocals start right around 2:58)

Thankfully, we also sang a few superfun songs like this one.  I LOVE OUR BAND!

As we were driving home from the airport, Daisy started telling me that she felt cold.  I figured she was just being over-dramatic, so I adjusted the air conditioning and didn't think about it again.  We went to a friend's house for a Distract Us From The Pain party (OK, so it was actually not expressly for that purpose, but that's what it was for me!), and a few hours later, one of the other children at the party came up to me and mentioned that they thought Daisy had a fever.  I thought that it was an over-exaggeration until I felt her head, and realized she actually was burning up.  The next day we visited the doctor and....she tested positive for strep.  Because that's the sort of thing that happens whenever Greg leaves.  How lucky.  I was also super glad that we were able to spend time with nearly EVERY FRIEND WE HAVE to spread the strep around.  Because we're thoughtful like that.


Two days later and I found that I had strep as well.  Woohoo.  LOVE being sick with 4 children!  My favorite part was definitely waiting in the exam room for 2 hours while the Dr took his sweet time to write me out a prescription.  Because that was the moment that Billy realized it was his naptime and started throwing an OHMYGOSHTHEWORLDISENDING style fit.  Superfun.  On the upside, after starting a round of antibiotics, I was feeling far better the next day (Thursday), and so we decided to make it a Project Day.

The children chose simple shapes to trace onto fabric (or in the case of Max, used fabric markers to painstakingly draw his favorite toy).  I then sewed around the shapes (leaving a small opening), and then cut them out, leaving a 1/4" seam allowance all around.

Making free-form plushies

After turning them right-side-out, we stuffed the shapes and then I whipstitched the openings closed.

Thankfully, while I was doing this tedious little bit of handwork, I had plenty of entertainment.  Because there's nothing like a Magical Fashion Show to keep your mind off of things.

A Magical Fashion Show
Hooray for free-form plushies!

Making free-form plushies
Permanent Sharpie marker, fabric marker, and/or buttons used for eyes/features.

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